Saturday, June 19, 2010


So we have been slacking like usual on the posts, but there is very good reason for that. We have been having a blast so far this summer and have been doing alot of outdoor activities. Check us out!

Had to start it with this awesome photo of max. He was getting extreme.

We headed to tofino to do some surfing. Jon fell asleep with his hair in the window

We were waiting for the others on the beach, it was super awesome

Jon got a little bored in between sessions...

A couple of eggs and naps going on in our little zone.

The Fine brothers wouldn't stop surfing

Been playing mad amounts of soccer lately, the world cup is going on, catch the fever

Jake is terrible at getting undressed, he needs help


We came back and had a mellow friday evening. Aftermath.

Thats all for now, check back soon. Camp of Champions starts up this week and there will be plenty of antics going on daily.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Guest Edit

Great friend Colin D. Watt recently went on a trip to Alberta to do some work. Fortunately, he ended up hanging out with some awesome people instead. Check out Colin, Joel and Scotty have the time of their lives at the local pool!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

B Footage

Since everyone seems to be doing alot of mini edits with their extra footage, we decided to as well. We still don't have a name yet, but that will all come in time. Anyways, watch the crew have some fun !